The WE™ Surveys are easy-to-use tools that ask students, staff and community members to share their perceptions anonymously about the learning environment, quality of instruction and leadership in a school or district. Survey results are presented in a detailed report that can guide decisions about school improvement.
The WE™ Survey Suite includes:
WE LEARN™ | Student Survey, Grades 3-5 or 6-12 WE TEACH™ | Instructional Staff Survey WE LEAD™ | Whole Staff Survey WE SUPPORT™ | Parent/Community Survey
Approximately 50 items on each survey
10 to 15 minutes to administer
Online administration to fit your school schedule
Easy-to-access online reporting
WE LEARN and WE TEACH surveys can be administered in tandem so student and teacher perceptions of comparable items can be evaluated for similarities and discrepancies.